
深化海底合作 共同構(gòu)建海洋命運(yùn)共同體 中國(guó)常駐國(guó)際海底管理局代表田琦大使在71周年國(guó)慶之際宣介中國(guó)參與國(guó)際海底事務(wù)情況

發(fā)布日期:2020-10-07 19:34:31

今年是中華人民共和國(guó)成立71周年,也是中國(guó)加入《聯(lián)合國(guó)海洋法公約》并成為國(guó)際海底管理局成員24周年。24年來,中國(guó)作為國(guó)際海底事業(yè)的見證者、參與者和貢獻(xiàn)者,始終深入?yún)⑴c國(guó)際海底事務(wù),積極貢獻(xiàn)中國(guó)力量和智慧,大力支持其他發(fā)展中國(guó)家參與國(guó)際海底事務(wù),和各方一道共同促進(jìn)國(guó)際海底事業(yè)穩(wěn)步發(fā)展?! ?/p>

在過去的一年里,中國(guó)全面深化與國(guó)際海底管理局的合作,繼續(xù)加大對(duì)國(guó)際海底事務(wù)的貢獻(xiàn)。去年10月,海管局秘書長(zhǎng)洛奇訪華期間,海管局和中國(guó)勘探礦區(qū)承包者五礦集團(tuán)有限公司聯(lián)合在華主辦了第三屆承包者大會(huì),與中國(guó)自然資源部簽署了關(guān)于建立聯(lián)合培訓(xùn)和研究中心的諒解備忘錄,與中國(guó)第三個(gè)勘探礦區(qū)承包者北京先驅(qū)高技術(shù)開發(fā)公司簽訂了多金屬結(jié)核勘探合同。今年2月,我常駐國(guó)際海底管理局副代表蔣軍應(yīng)邀在海管局舉辦的首屆“能力建設(shè)、資源和需求評(píng)估”國(guó)際研討會(huì)上做專題報(bào)告,宣介我政府和承包者為提升發(fā)展中國(guó)能力建設(shè)所做積極貢獻(xiàn)。今年8月,中國(guó)政府向海管局自愿信托基金和捐贈(zèng)基金分別捐款2萬美元?! ?/p>

新冠肺炎疫情暴發(fā)以來,中國(guó)繼續(xù)保持與海管局的密切聯(lián)系,開展防疫抗疫合作。今年2月,海管局秘書長(zhǎng)致函王毅國(guó)務(wù)委員高度評(píng)價(jià)中國(guó)抗擊新冠肺炎疫情,表示“中國(guó)不僅對(duì)本國(guó)人民負(fù)責(zé),也對(duì)全世界負(fù)責(zé)”。今年5月,中國(guó)勘探礦區(qū)承包者大洋協(xié)會(huì)向海管局秘書處捐贈(zèng)6000個(gè)醫(yī)用口罩,解決了秘書處工作人員防疫物資不足的燃眉之急。田琦大使多次與海管局秘書長(zhǎng)洛奇視頻通話,宣介中國(guó)成功抗疫防疫的經(jīng)驗(yàn)和舉措,對(duì)秘書長(zhǎng)和秘書處工作人員表示關(guān)心和慰問,對(duì)他們?cè)谝咔槠陂g仍然堅(jiān)持工作、繼續(xù)為國(guó)際海底事務(wù)做貢獻(xiàn)的精神表示高度贊賞?! ?/p>

當(dāng)前,國(guó)際海底事務(wù)正處于從深??碧较蛏詈i_發(fā)過渡的重要?dú)v史時(shí)期,國(guó)際海底事業(yè)大有可為。中方倡導(dǎo)的“人類命運(yùn)共同體”、“海洋命運(yùn)共同體”理念與海管局所遵循的“人類共同繼承財(cái)產(chǎn)原則”高度契合。中國(guó)愿與海管局和各成員一道,本著“共商共建共享”原則,共同致力于促進(jìn)深海礦產(chǎn)資源開發(fā)和深海環(huán)境保護(hù),共同構(gòu)建海洋命運(yùn)共同體,為增進(jìn)全人類的共同利益和共同福祉作出應(yīng)有貢獻(xiàn)?! ?/p>


Deepen the international seabed cooperation, build a maritime community with a shared future together  

H.E. TIAN Qi, Permanent Representative of the People’s Republic of China to the International Seabed Authority, publicize the participation of China in the international seabed affairs on the occasion of the 71st Anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China  

This year marks the 71st anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, and also the 24th anniversary of China’s accession to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and its membership of the International Seabed Authority (ISA). Over the past 24 years, as a witness, participant and contributor to the international seabed affairs, China has always been deeply involved in the relevant affairs, actively contributed Chinese strength and wisdom, strongly supported other developing countries in participating in the international seabed affairs, and jointly promoted the steady development of the international seabed undertakings.  

In the past year, China comprehensively deepened its cooperation with ISA and continued to increase its contributions to the international seabed affairs. Last October, during the visit to China of H.E. Michael Lodge, the Secretary-General of ISA, the third contractors meeting was jointly hosted by ISA and China Minmetals Corporation, a Chinese exploration contractor. At the same time, the memorandum of understanding on the establishment of a joint training and research center between the Ministry of Natural Resources of China and ISA, and a contract between Beijing Pioneer Hi-Tech Development Corporation, the third exploration contractor of China, for the exploration of poly-metallic nodules in the Area and ISA were signed. In February 2020, Mr. JIANG Jun, the Deputy Permanent Representative to ISA of China, was invited to give a presentation at the first ever international workshop on"Capacity development, resources and needs assessment" held by ISA, to introduce the positive contributions made by the Chinese government and exploration contractors to enhancing the capacity building of the developing countries. In August 2020, the Chinese government made a donation of US$20,000 each to the Voluntary Trust Fund and Endowment Fund of ISA.   

Since the outbreak of COVID-19 epidemic, China has continued to maintain close contact with ISA and carried out cooperation in epidemic prevention and control. In February 2020, Mr. Lodge wrote to H.E. WANG Yi, the State Councilor and the Minister of Foreign Affairs, commended China’s combat against COVID-19, stating that"China is fighting at the battlefront, not just for the sake of its own people, but for people across the world". This May, COMRA, another Chinese exploration contractor, donated 6,000 medical masks to the Secretariat of ISA, which solved the urgent needs of lacking of epidemic prevention supplies for the Secretariat staff. Ambassador TIAN Qi held several video meetings with Mr. Lodge, introducing China’s successful anti-epidemic and epidemic prevention experience and measures, expressing concern and solicitude to Mr. Lodge and all the staff of the Secretariat, highly appreciating their spirit of persisting in their work and continuing to contribute to international seabed affairs during the epidemic.  

At present, international seabed affairs are in an important historical period of transition from deep-sea exploration to deep-sea exploitation, bringing with it great promise for international seabed development. The vision of"a community with a shared future for mankind" and"a maritime community with a shared future" that China advocates closely dovetails with the principle of"the common heritage of mankind"  followed by ISA. China is ready to work with ISA and all of its members, in keeping with principle of"Consultation, Contribution and Shared Benefits", work together to promote the exploitation of deep-sea mineral resources and the protection of marine environment, build a maritime community with a shared future together, and make greater contributions to enhancing the common interests and well-being of all mankind.  


Copyright 2011 中國(guó)大洋礦產(chǎn)資源研究開發(fā)協(xié)會(huì) 版權(quán)所有 京ICP備13044873號(hào)-1 京公網(wǎng)安備 11010202010270號(hào) 地址:北京市西城區(qū)復(fù)興門外大街1號(hào) 郵編:100860